『Tenri Journal of Religion』NUMBER 45

Special Issue; Articles presented at the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) 21th World Congress in 2015 (Erfurt, Germany)
Yoshitsugu SAWAI : A Semantic Perspective on Otto’s Theory of Religion
Yoshitsugu SAWAI : Izutsu’s Semantic Perspectives of Indian Philosophy
Juan José LÓPEZ PAZOS : Izutsu’s Oriental Philosophy of Language
Masahiko OKADA : The Development of Buddhist Science in Nineteenth Century Japan
Jiro SAWAI: Scriptures and Their Restoration:A Case Study of Tenrikyo.
Midori HORIUCHI : A Unique Expression of Doctrine: A Case Study of the Tenrikyo Congo-Brazzaville Church
Pochi HUANG : The Body and the Trial:Problems of Ordeal in Hindu Dharmśāstras