International Participation Program

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An International Volunteer Project that allows you to rediscover that nothing can be taken for granted

Tenri University offers a unique overseas volunteer program that practices "dedication to others" based on the Founding Spirit. Participants visit Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal, and other countries to provide various types of assistance, such as hygiene education, cultivation of aesthetic sensibility, and support for disaster-stricken areas. Through preparation, on-site activities, and post-return reflections, students will be able to grow significantly.


  1. Preparation ............ Engage in creative preparation under the guidance of instructors.
  2. Practice in the field ...... Through support activities, realize that life in Japan should never be taken for granted.
  3. Upon return............... Hold reflection meetings, begin facing the problems of the world more seriously.
  4. Upon graduation ............... Many of the participats become active globally.

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