Department of British and American Studies 国際社会に貢献する英語力を養う

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Department Overview

This Department is suitable for the following people:

  • Those who want to be able to speak English
  • Those who want to become English teachers
  • Those who want to be active outside Japan

Learning key points

01. Emphasis on oral communication

The curriculum emphasizes the improvement of speaking and listening skills, aiming to acquire English proficiency as a communication tool. The curriculum is enriched with practical subjects such as "English for Guides," in which students acquire the ability to guide visitors around Nara in English.

02. Full of opportunities to study abroad

There are abundant opportunities to study abroad, including "overseas language training," study abroad, and overseas internships. There are many possibilities, including study abroad in Western countries as well as in Asian countries where English is the official language.

03. Post-graduation career-oriented enrollment model

The emphasis is on how students will contribute to society in English after graduation.
We offer (1) Tourism Industry Model, (2) International Business Model, (3) English Teacher Model, (4) Japanese Teacher Model, and (5) Diplomat and diplomatic mission abroad program
according to the future image you are aiming for.

Models of study and qualifications to make the most of what you learn for the future

Model of "Tourism Aspirations" Course

This model is designed for students who wish to work for airlines, hotel industry, railroads, travel agencies, etc.

  • Aimed future image: Employment in the tourism industry


"International Business Aspirations" Course Model

This model is designed for students who aspire to work in global companies such as trading companies and manufacturers.。

  • Aimed future image: Working for a trading company or manufacturer


Teaching qualification model (English)

This model is designed for students who wish to obtain a first-class junior high or high school teacher's license (English).

  • Aimed future image: Junior high school and high school teacher (English)


Japanese Language Teacher Certification Model

This model is designed for students who wish to become Japanese language instructors who teach Japanese to non-native speakers.

  • Aimed future image: Japanese language teacher


Diplomat and Consular Attaché Program

This program is designed for students who aspire to become diplomats, international civil servants, or consular attachés abroad.

  • Aimed future image: Diplomat, international civil servant, and consular attaché

Four-year learning process

  • First year


    Solidify the foundation of practical operational skills

    This course will build a foundation for students to raise their knowledge and basic English skills, such as vocabulary and syntax learned before high school, to a level where they can put them to use.

    Representative classes

    ・English A (Oral Communication2)
    ・English B (Oral Communication2)

    Exercise courses focus on improving speaking skills in particular. The aim is to acquire practical and well-balanced English language skills. Classes are taught by native English speakers and are conducted entirely in English.

  • Second year


    Develop practical communication skills

    Students will further increase their exposure to English and accumulate more specialized knowledge. The "Overseas Language Program" and the exchange student selection examinations will begin.

    Representative classes

    ・Integrated English(C-D)
    Students will read materials on cultural, social, and environmental issues and engage in discussions with partners and faculty members in English to improve their ability to communicate and understand each other's ideas in English.

  • Third year


    Building expertise

    In addition to the required English courses at the advanced level, students take elective courses according to their needs and level, and develop specialized knowledge and research skills through seminars.

    Representative classes

    ・Content Based English 3-5
    Highly specialized topics in Anglo-American language, history, society, literature, culture, and English education are lectured in English by native English-speaking faculty members. Students will engage in note-taking and discussion in English.

  • Fourth year


    Writing the graduation thesis and improving English language skills

    【Examples of graduation theses】

    • Spirits of Grace Observed: Amish Family and Community Life
    • Exploring the Acceptability of Ironic Humor Between Japan and the U.S.: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
    • A Comparison of Halal Certification in Japan and the U.K.: Focusing on the Issue of Food Information Disclosure

Employment Results and Qualifications

Employment Rate 94.1%
                     ※Actual results for graduates in March 2022

Major employers (last 5 years)

平成建設、鹿島道路、大東建託、コーセー、NTTドコモ、リブセンス、ユニラボ、近畿日本鉄道、ANA関西空港、JALスカイ大阪、Kスカイ、ラルフローレン、ミヤコ、リコージャパン、IDOM、セブン-イレブン・ジャパン、ユニクロ、三重トヨタ自動車、ニトリ、ゲオホールディングス、大和信用金庫、奈良中央信用金庫、丸和不動産、トラストホールディングス、京都ホテル、京阪ホテルズ&リゾーツ、湯快リゾート、ホテルグランヴィア大阪、JTB、近畿日本ツーリスト、奈良県農業協同組合、レイス、国際交流サービス協会(在外公館派遣員)、教員(兵庫県、大阪市)、防衛省自衛隊、警察(大阪府、奈良県、佐賀県)、天理市、桜井市 他(順不同)

Available Qualifications

  • Junior High School Teacher's License (English)
  • First-class high school teacher's license (English)
  • Qualification for appointment as a social welfare administrator
  • Librarian
  • Museum curator
  • Japanese language teacher
  • Corrections and Rehabilitation
  • Missionary of the Tenrikyo church

Faculty list


Curriculum tree(PDF)

Curriculum map(PDF)

Education Policies

  • Admission Policy


  • Curriculum Policy


  • Diploma Policy


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