About Message from the President
English translation in progress. Thank you for waiting.
Be Considerate of Others: Your First Step Toward a Richer Life
The Founding Spirit of Tenri University is to cultivate human resources who will contribute to the construction of the “Joyous Life” world. The world of Joyous Life does not just mean a world without conflict, but a world where people help one another beyond national borders and cultures, based on their awareness of being brothers and sisters. It is a world where people of different skin colors and languages, people with physical and mental disabilities, men and women of all ages, all live with joyous minds.
Tenri University has three pillars of educational emphasis: “religious awareness,” “international awareness,” and “spirit of selfless service.”
We are all equally being kept alive by a great power that transcends human comprehension. When we truly understand this, we become humbled and filled with gratitude. We develop respect for the living environment not just around us, but also inside our bodies, as well as for the diversity of life, and find meaning in human beings who share a common destiny, interacting with one another harmoniously without fighting. This brings brightness to our minds.
By learning the languages of various cultures, we can understand the history and culture of those countries. Through this, we can deepen exchanges with people from other countries, enhance our understanding of our own culture, and grow into attractive people. We live in an age where many foreigners visit Japan and stay in Japan for long periods of time, so we don’t even need to leave Japan to meet people from various different countries. Global sensibility and communication skills will surely expand the field of future activities.
Once you step out into society, you will see that there are many people who need support. In fact, even in your very homes, there may be people who need support. Opportunities where we can help one another out exist in various settings. While extending a helping hand, if you work on polishing your skills in supporting people to reach their happiness, it will increase your quality of contribution. It will also allow you to feel a sense of fulfillment.
With the establishment of a new Faculty of Health Care in 2023, our University will begin anew in 2024 with a restructure of four faculties and 15 departments. The year 2025 will mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of our University. With a fresh start, providing even more fulfilling learning experiences, we aspire to assist you young people who will shape our bright future so that you will surpass yourselves and open up your future. Welcome to Tenri University.
NAGAO, Hinao
President Profile
Birth date | March 3, 1964 | |
Educational background | June 1986 August 1990 | Graduate from University of California, Berkley Graduate from University of California, Santa Barbara with a master's degree |
Biography | December 1992 April 2001 October 2006 September 2011 September 2012 April 2015 April 2015 April 2021 April 2021 April 2023 | Assigned to Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in America (until January 1999) Part-time lecturer at Tenri University Faculty of Human Studies, Department of Religious Studies (until March 2021) Section Chief of Tenrikyo Overseas Department Human Resources Development Section (until August 2011) Section Chief of Tenrikyo Overseas Department North America and Oceania Section (until August 2012) Section Chief of Tenrikyo Overseas Department Translation Section (until March 2015) Vice-head of Tenrikyo Overseas Department (until March 2021) Director of School Corporation Tenrikyo Kyoko Gakuen High School (until March 2016) Senior Managing Director of Tenri University Corporation (until March 2023) Appointed to the position of Honbu-in (Church Headquarters executive official) of Tenrikyo Church Headquarters (to the present) Appointed as President of Tenri University (to the present) |
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